Conference “Now is the time”, the 8th PCOA Conference and Exhibition was held in the Adelaide Convention Centre, with wonderful feedback. 29th of November to the 1st of December 2015.
This event provides a platform for Conference Planners, Organisers, Producers, Researchers, Managers, Convenors and Supplier Partners to examine and discuss the drivers of business in the Meetings Industry in Australia and New Zealand.
Host City
For a host city like Adelaide, it was a good opportunity of presenting the city as a future host city for the countless events these delegates are responsible for managing or influencing. With the Adelaide Convention Centre in its final stages of redevelopment, it was a wonderful opportunity of presenting their venue as well as food and beverage and service offering.
Like many industries, the central core of these delegates have been working alongside each other for many years. Either in the same business, as colleagues, as competitors or suppliers and buyers. To step inside this clique it takes more than ability, it takes the soft skills of personality, business development and true hospitality. Clockwise Consulting has been working in the MICE industry for over 20 years and assists businesses in navigating this space, to not just present their destinations and products, but to win business or the opportunity to win business within a defined time.
For savvy suppliers, research prior to the event should have taken place. A list of delegates should have been requested by all sponsors or exhibitors in advance. Research of those attendees should have been conducted. Maximisation of the MICE media attending should be carried out. Knowing who is going to be in the room is key. Understanding in advance what your intent is in being involved is paramount, whether in sponsoring or exhibiting. On speaking to some of the exhibitors on the day, the bright young things standing steadfast at their booths, this had not been done by all.
Time is valuable, both yours and those whose time you take up. Now is the time to make yours effective.